Tear-Sheets, Flyers, Flyers with Tear-Off Tabs, Tear-Tab Flyers...the Paper with a Million Names!
Physical bulletin boards.
It's absolutely amazing just how many physical boards are still in use today - and they can become a vital place for you to advertise your product or service. So how do you go about producing that important piece of paper (aka the Flyer ) that ends up on the local bulletin board for all to see.
iPost360.com has the solution!
Well, we decided to take the best of both worlds (print and web) and combine them into a real-world solution. Here, we call them Tear-Sheets. Others may call them Tear-Off Tab Flyers, Tabbed Flyers, or simply Tabbed-Sheets. Call them what you will, they're pretty much all the same.
A tear-sheet is that flyer we've all seen on the local ad board that has all of those tab thingies hanging off the bottom that you get to tear off and bring home, allowing you to easily contact the person who's got that shiny new widget you want. iPost360 has made creating this important piece of paper ridiculously simple.
At iPost360.com, you can now create your very own tear-sheet flyer from the very Ad you already have posted! Everthing you need is right here at this web site - no difficult to learn programs, no Photoshop, no Microsoft Publisher, nothing, nada, zero, zilch.
IMPORTANT: If you don't have a FREE Ad Account, you need to create one (select the link following this article). Also, you'll need to post your FREE Ad since tear-sheets can only be produced for ads you currently have posted.
Creating your Free Flyer with Tear-Off Tabs from Your Free Ad
- If you're logged into your account, look at the row of tabs just above your postings. You should see a tab titled My Tear-Sheets. Click on this tab.
- Select the link Create a New PDF Tear-Sheet. You should see a list containing all of your currently posted FREE Ads.
- Select the Ad you want to create a Tear Sheet for, and then click Create New Tear Sheet.
- Simply follow the instructions on the page, and you'll have a new Tear Sheet for your FREE Ad that can be posted on all of the physical bulletin boards in your neighborhood!
Very soon, we will be including a quick and simple ''how to'' video (because we're all about making things easy here), but for now follow the instructions above and you'll be golden!
NOTE: This Tear-Sheet / Tabbed-Flyer utility generates an industry standard PDF document that you will be prompted to download. In order to view and print this document (your tear sheet), you will need an application that can read PDF files. The most common of these is Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is also completely FREE! (Download Acrobat Reader)
So, with nothing in your way, get tabbing, or tearing, or flying, or whatever you want to call it!