Why Free Classified Ads?: iPost360.com: Help, Rules, FAQ
<div style="padding:5px;display:block" id="ads_noframesDiv"> <h1 style="font-size:12px;">Notice: iPost360 may use frames within this site to provide enhanced free classified ads.</h1> <p>We suggest you use a browser that supports frames to view our free classified ads.<br> Our classified ads have been tested in the following browsers (on both Mac and PC systems): 1) Firefox; 2) Safari; 3) Internet Explorer 6.</p> </div>
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iPost360 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Why Free Classified Ads?

Why Free Classified Ads? That's a Fair Question!

A better question is why not?

It seems these days that most things on the web cost something. At iPost360.com, we felt it was time something was free - why not classified ads?

Classified ads provide a simple way for the average Joe (or Josephine) to publicize just about anything – whether it’s a used product for sale, a professional service, or an important event.

Got something for sale? Try an iPost360 free classified ad today! Your classified ad provides a simple and effective way to gain publicity for your used item, service or event.

To get started posting your free classified ads, you’ll need to create your free iPost360 account. That’s right...just like the classified ad postings, the account is free too!

You can create your free classified ad account by going to the New Account Page. This is where all classified ads start their lives.

Please keep in mind, our classified ad system is still in "beta" mode - which simply means our classified ad system may still have a few bugs to work out.

Did you find a bug in our classified ad system? Please tell us about it. You can send us a message via our Contact Page.


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