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iPost360.com Terms and Conditions (and other legal stuff)
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iPost360 Terms and Conditions:

By using iPost360.com, hereafter referred to as "website", you (the user) agree to the terms and conditions set forth below.

As it pertains to posted advertisements (also referred to as “ad(s)” or “posting(s)”), this website acts as an information distributor only [NOT as an information publisher] and website owner assumes no liability for the information or other data posted on website. Full responsibility and liability for all material lies solely with the posting/advertising party. As is true with physical bulletin boards, submissions of information to website are often posted without review, editing, confirmation of accuracy, or approval of content. Any violation of law or misinformation is the sole responsibility of the posting party. Website owner assumes no liability as a provider of posted information.

If you believe a party is not acting responsibly, please contact us so that we may review their posting(s). We reserve the right to edit or delete postings for any reason without notice to the posting party. At the web site owners discretion, classified ad content may be reviewed at any time and without notice.

Website may be used only for lawful purposes. Users may not use website to post, transmit, distribute or store material (1) that violates any applicable law, (2) that infringes the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of others, (3) that violates the privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others, or (4) that is obscene, threatening, abusive, racially offensive, or hateful, (5) that advocates or encourages any illegal activity, (6) that defames any person or party, (7) that is misleading or inaccurate, (8) that vandalizes or reduces the value of website in any way.

Website owner does not sponsor, support, endorse, or recommend any party, item, service, job, statement, or advertisement posted or posting(s) on website. Links to services, sites, or content outside of website are not an endorsement of the service, site, content, or its sponsoring organization.

If a dispute should arise between you and any other party, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless website owner from and against any and all claims.

By using this website, you agree to our Posting Rules:
  • Only post true and correct information, in compliance with all relevant federal/state/local laws.
  • Not discriminate against any race, religion, gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other characteristic.
  • Include license numbers in ads for service oriented business, including contract services, moving, home day care, preschools, therapy, or any other service where required by law.
  • Post only in the category that best suits your particular posting.
  • Not submit duplicate postings.
  • Not post any offensive, harassing, or defamatory information.
  • Not post any vulgar, or implied vulgar language (ie: swear words, masked swear words, etc).
  • Not harass, stalk, or make unsolicited contact with any other user.
  • Not use website for any fraudulent or illegal purpose.
  • Not post ads for "adult-oriented" products or activities including personal ads, relationship seeking ads, prostitution or any other similar activity.
  • Not contact any other party for any purpose other than the one implied by their posting.
  • Not contact job advertisers unless you are a prospective applicant
  • Not contact rental advertisers unless you are a prospective tenant.
  • Not post ads for any job that requires a fee or payment to be made.
  • Not post any jobs involving multi-level marketing or recruiting other members.
  • Clearly state in job ads if you are a recruiter, or not the actual employer.
  • Create a separate ad for each job opening that you wish to advertise.
  • Not create links or direct job seekers to other pages of job listings.
  • Not post any incomplete, ambiguous, misleading or deceptive ads.
  • Not repost or redistribute any information from website.
  • Not post ads for any other type of competitive media.
  • Not use robots or automated scripts on website.
Each user, including you, assumes full responsibility for the content of his or her postings. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold website owner harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from, or in any way related to, your use of website.

Service ads may not be posted or replied to by any person under the age of 18. No person under the age of 13 may post or reply to ads in any area without parental consent and supervision.

Postings that violate any of the terms of this agreement or are deemed to adversely affect the quality of website may be changed, re-categorized or removed without notice to you.

Website owner will fully comply with any court order. Users should understand that their Internet use is usually not anonymous. Illegal activities or violations of the terms of this agreement may result in legal action.

Fair Housing Notice:
All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. Gender preference is allowed only for shared housing. Web site Owner will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe a posting is not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, please contact us so that we may review the posting. Any User who advertises rental property on website retains sole responsibility for compliance with all applicable laws, including fair housing requirements.

Email addresses, IP addresses, ISP identifiers, and timestamps may be collected, recorded, and stored on this site. This information may be used to track website usage or to act upon violations of these terms of use.

Anonymous forms provided on Website are intended only to help keep your email address private. Communications via these forms may be monitored in order to track compliance with Website terms of use.

Your email address and other personal information will not be sold, distributed, or intentionally released to any other party without a court order.

Anonymous forms are provided for any party that does not want their email address displayed to other users. To further protect your privacy, we suggest establishing a secondary email address solely for purposes of communicating with other users. It is recommended that you establish such an email account with one of the free email services, such as gmail.com, without entering any personally identifying information.

Website owner cannot be responsible for unintentional disclosure, loss, theft, or hacking of personal information. To further protect your privacy, we suggest establishing a new and anonymous email address solely for purposes of communicating with other users. Given the public nature of Website, any other information that you wish to keep private should not be included in any of your postings.

It is a violation of these Website terms for any party to contact you for a purpose other than the one implied by your postings. You may choose to consult an attorney for legal advice. If served with a court order, we will assist with actions against users who have used website for illegal purposes or to harass other users.

Limitation of liability:

Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall website owner be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, website. In no event shall website owner's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing website.

Website owner does not screen or endorse any prospective roommates, tenants, landlords, employees, employers, services, freelancers, relationship seekers, merchandise advertisers, or any other party using website, and does not take any responsibility for the character of posting or viewing parties. It is the sole risk and responsibility of each user to post information on website, to contact other website users, and to determine the character and acceptability of other users. Web site Owner cannot be held responsible for any events that transpire through use of website. This system is similar to a public bulletin board, and should be treated as such. Always use the same caution when contacting or meeting other users as you would when contacting or meeting people you do not know.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the owners of website harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from, or in any way related to, your use of the website.

Classified Ad Rules

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our classified ads terms and conditions which contains our posting rules.


If you have any questions regarding our classified ad terms and coditions, please contact .

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