Why you need the search engine ‘s help
In the online marketplace, the success of your classified ad is directly tied to Internet search engines. After all, most people will find your ad through a search engine, such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN. If your classified ad is not found here, chances are it will take longer before you are able to sell your product or service.
How your classified ads shows up in search engines.
Most search engine companies use automated programs (known as “spiders” or “robots”) that scour the web looking for fresh content. These spiders visit iPost360.com on a regular basis. If your classified ad’s content matches a keyword or topic someone is searching, you want your ad to be found. So, the goal is to make sure your ad has the proper keywords or phrases a user may be searching.
A Classified Ad example
Let’s say you just bought a new lawn mower so you want to sell your old one. As you create your classified ad for this item, you need to spend some time thinking about how people will search for it.
For this example, people may search for “Used lawn mower, ” or let’s say it’s a “Toro” brand...then they may search for “Used Toro Lawn Mower.” Another person may search for “Used Mower.” Your job is to try and incorporate the various words people may search into your classified ad’s title and description. A good search engine optimized ad could be:
Used Toro Lawnmower For Sale
For sale is a used Toro lawnmower. This Toro mower has been well cared for over the last few years. If you are looking for a used Toro lawnmower, look no further. This Toro mower can be yours for $50 USD or best offer.
As you can see, the terms “Toro, Lawnmower, Mower, Used, and Sale” are used at least two or more times in our classified ad, both in the title and description. This tactic is known as “keyword loading.” If done right, this technique can help you get the search engine recognition your classified ad needs. Be careful – if you keyword load too heavily, the search engines may consider your ad as “SPAM” and ignore it altogether. Also, try to incorporate these keywords and phrases while keeping your sentences as “natural” sounding as possible.
ConclusionTake some time to consider the words and phrases you are using in your classified ad. An extra couple of minutes of planning could provide a much more speedy outcome to the sale of your product or service.