Classified Ad Do's and Don't's: The Quick List: Classified Ads Tips
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Here's the Quick List to a successful classified ad, but make sure you check out our other tips as well.
Check your Ad for spelling Nothing says you whipped out your classified ad as fast as possible as a plethora of spelling errors. Check, double-check, and triple check your classified ad for errors.
Ad Completeness Always put a good detailed description of your product or service in your classified ad. Any good writer will remind you of the five "w's" when writing - who, what, when, where, and why!
Contact information provides an anonymous method for getting inquiries from your classified ad, but sometimes a phone number may be better. Consider adding your phone number if it's a better alternative. If you'd rather not that's perfectly fine too!
Your FREE Ad needs a photo! Nothing is better for a classified ad's success than a photo. After all, everyone wants to see what he or she is getting. allows you to place up to 4 photos in your free classified ad.
Don't get tricky with your Ad People will quickly disregard your ad if you come across as pushy, slick, or if you use “spamming” techniques.
Use alternate keywords in your FREE Ad As long as it's a legitimate word and not “spam” try adding related words. For instance, if you are selling a car part that will work on Ford and Pontiac cars, add both words to your classified ad's description.
Use realistic pricing People won't respond if you're overpriced. If you're willing to haggle, let readers know. The term “Best Offer” is a common method used in free classified ads.