Can My Free Classified Ad Contain Photos?: Help, Rules, FAQ
<div style="padding:5px;display:block" id="ads_noframesDiv"> <h1 style="font-size:12px;">Notice: iPost360 may use frames within this site to provide enhanced free classified ads.</h1> <p>We suggest you use a browser that supports frames to view our free classified ads.<br> Our classified ads have been tested in the following browsers (on both Mac and PC systems): 1) Firefox; 2) Safari; 3) Internet Explorer 6.</p> </div>
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iPost360 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Can My Free Classified Ad Contain Photos?

As you have probably noticed, many of the Free Classified Ads displayed on contain photos. The most common questions asked are:

  1. Are my ads still free if they contain photos?
    Answer: Yes!
  2. How many photos can I include with my free ad?
    Answer: Up to 4

Photos are 100% Free and Heavily Encouraged
One of the most common ways to make your Free Ad really perform is to add a photo. Many studies have shown that users who view ads prefer to view ads that contain one or more photos.

Displaying High Quality Photos
To make sure your Free Ad is looking its best, make sure the photos you upload have a resolution of at least 640x480 or better. You can upload a larger file, however it is unnecessary since iPost360 will crop them to the size ideally suited for our web site - and smaller files will upload much more quickly too!

Using "Standard” Photos in Your Ad
When it comes to photos, it always best to retain as much standard formatting as possible. For instance, most photos are taken with a width/height ratio of 4:3. If you use an image editor (like Photoshop) to crop your images, it's best to keep this proportion intact, since most sites that allow posting of images have designed them with these types of standard proportions in mind.

The JPG Format
Since most digital cameras take and store images in the JPG (or JPEG) format, it is our supported format at Formats such as PNG, TIF or GIF are currently NOT supported. Be sure all of your images have the ".jpg" extension before uploading.

Images and Flyers with Tear-Off Tabs
Another reason to upload high quality images relates to our Flyer creation utility - available to all posters! And, just like our Free Ads, iPost360 Flyers with Tear-Off Tabs are also Free!

Our Tear-Off Tab Flyer creation tool uses the same photo you upload to your ad. Since these Flyers will be printed a higher quality image will guarantee a much higher quality print.

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